
Your donation matters!

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that runs 100% on the generosity of turtle lovers like YOU!

Every dollar of your tax deductible donation goes directly to providing treatment, medication, food, housing, and everything else required to save and care for an injured or sick turtle until their release back into the wild. 

Our donation form offers the ability to make one-time or recurring donations of any amount. You’ll also be asked if you’d like to dedicate a donation in the name of a turtle lover you care about! If so, you’ll be able to send them an e-card if you like. And when you’re done, you’ll immediately be emailed a receipt for your accounting and tax purposes.

PS – Did you know you can sponsor one of our ambassadors with a recurring donation and have your name listed on their page?

Learn about our Forever Basking Society and Planned Giving opportunities!

Thank you for your gift!